Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Soaking It All In

Pretend it is Monday, April 9th. Just a few days behind posting this. Today is our last day at kibogora hospital. It has been an amazing experience And we are sad to go, but anxious to return and see all those we miss back home. In this short time, we have built personal an professional relationships with many of the staff here and we hate to leave them. Dr. Ngoy, one of the pediatricians, and Immanuel, one of the scrub techs, welcomed their respective teams into their homes this past weekend. I was lucky to be able to visit immamuel's home, which he just moved into a week ago. He and his family are overjoyed to have their new home, as evidenced by their warm welcome and offering of fanta and coke. We were able to take the family's first photo in front of their new home, which he was thrilled to receive. I will never forget Immanuel, as he was truly dedicated to serving the hospital, the people and patients of Kibogora, and also our team during our short time in his country. Today, we are trying to soak up the views, the people, and the memories of Kibogora before we depart tomorrow. Though anxious to return, I will always remember my time here at Kibogora and the lessons I have learned through God's will for me. William

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