Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Kibogora Happenings

Day 1 Working in the hospital:

It's William here!  We began our day today with devotion, followed by a wonderful breakfast of French Toast and fruit.   After walking down the hill to the hospital, we shared with the hospital staff in the word and fellowship.  We then split into our assigned teams and saw patients on Surgery, Medicine, and Pediatric Wards.  I, personally, will never forget seeing the young girl with the exposed tibia (shin bone for the non-medical people) or the 30 year old lady who suffered severe burns on her hands, ultimately leaving her with no fingers on her right hand and severe contractures of her left fingers; all due to a lack of seizure medicines to control her seizures.  It is so mind-boggling to know that things such as this would be an outrage in the United States, but are quite the norm here in Rwanda.  How did this great divide come to be?  Following the first day in the hopsital, I have no better way to describe my feelings than hopeful- I am hopeful that despite the great need, we are able to offer some benefit to both the patients and medical staff here at Kibogora

I pray for the gifts of the Holy Spirit today to come down upon our team. 

Wisdom- Holy Spirit, let us be wise in any decision-making we undertake while here in Rwanda, especially in our decisions involving patient care.

Knowledge- Holy Spirit, bless us with Knowledge.  Not only so that we can serve these patients, but also share any knowledge that the medical staff here may be lacking.  Also, we pray to learn from the knowledge of the Rwandan and Congolese doctors here with us

Courage- Holy Spirit, grant us the courage to step up to the many challenges we face here- language, culture, and an obvious disconnect between medical approaches.

Wonder and Awe- Holy Sprit, we are in awe of all of your creatures, and thus, in awe of you.  How wonderful is it that the people here are so underserved, yet so faithful. 

Reverence- Holy Spirit, in all situations, let us be reverent of not the Lord, but of the patients and physicians here. 

Understanding- Holy Spirit, help us to understand why things are so different here; at the very least- to learn from the differences.

Right Judgement- Holy Spirit, help us to use this experience to grow in our moral conscience in order to better do your will. 


  1. william thank you for the update! can i request more details next time? thank youuuu

  2. William, We are called to be the "hands and feet" of Jesus.... Your team is doing just that. God is glorified by your work. Thank you.
