Monday, March 25, 2013

Rain forests and hot chocolate

Saturday, we got the chance to visit the Nyungwe (n-YOON-gway) National Forest and hike the Igishigishigi (no-idea) Trail. It being a rainforest and all, guess what? It rained! The entire time! But, being the super-troopers that we are, we pulled on our ponchos, tucked our pants into our socks (oh yes, we were lookin' good!) and had an amazing time!

At the mid-point of our hike, there was a suspension bridge, called the Canopy Trail, where, if you were daring enough, you could dangle untold meters off the rainforest ground to get the view of a lifetime. (Really, though, we couldn't tell how far up we were because we were above the clouds and could no longer see the ground!) Of course, the suspension bridge wasn't as steady as some of us might have preferred, and at one point I may have had to gently and *lovingly* correct our fearless leader, Duane, who thought it would be (ahem) funny to jump up and down on the bridge while we were crossing. But, we all made it out alive(-ish).

Back at the top of the forest, we all dragged our soggy and muddy selves to the Nyungwe Tree Lodge -- a five-star resort in the middle of a tea plantation -- for a spot of tea... and hot cocoa and French-press coffee. And there may have been more than one of these hot and tasty beverages per person. But at this point, we'd definitely earned it!

More pictures to come -- just as soon as we can all dry out our cameras!



  1. This sounds absolutely delightful. The rain and rope bridges are definitely worth the French-press coffee...
    I'm so glad you guys are having an amazing time. The pictures are great.

    1. Yea, this is Rebekah. I don't know why it listed me as Oxford, although I'm not complaining.
